Trinity Blockometer
Trinity Blockometer

Supporting Education in AFRICA
UK Registered Charity No. 1110001
Chikowa Primary School
After consulting the local education office and staff at Chikowa Primary School, AZAR UK identified two urgent priorities for support: establishing a reliable water supply for drinking and sanitation, and constructing additional classrooms.
In April 2019, AZAR UK took the first step by commissioning the drilling of a borehole within the school grounds. The project initially seemed successful: water was located, a pump was installed, and the supply was confirmed as safe for drinking. We were delighted. Unfortunately, in November of that year, the pump cable broke, causing the pump to fall irretrievably down the borehole. This setback was deeply disappointing, as it meant starting over, requiring additional funds after a significant initial investment.
A breakthrough came when a local water expert proposed an alternative solution. About 1.5 kilometers from the school, another borehole with a solar pump was providing ample water. The village owners generously agreed to allow us to run a pipeline from their borehole to supply both the school and the village.
AZAR UK commissioned the laying of the pipeline and installed a 5,000-liter water tank on the school grounds. While the project faced significant delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the new water system was successfully operational by December 2022, restoring a much-needed resource to the school and its community.
Having now resolved the water issue the next step was classrooms. In August 2019 a team of nine volunteers set off from the UK for Dodoma, Tanzania to help build a much-needed two-classroom block. This would now make eight classrooms in total and the plan was to later add a further two.
The team worked for eight days helping to complete the foundations and then bringing up the walls. It was hard work as the blocks are very heavy (around 22kgs each) but they made really good progress in the time. They worked with three 'fundis' (expert builders) along with many local volunteers (somedays up to 50) from the local community. After the AZAR UK team left the work continued and was completed a few weeks later.
It was great to meet the headteacher Andrew and his staff along with the, nearly 500, children. At assemblies the children would sing two or three songs including their national anthem and then we would respond with a couple of our own to which the children's response was extremely enthusiastic!
The team also found time to take games lessons with all the different classes and lots of fun was had with the frisbees, football and tennis balls.
In 2021 we learned that the local Education Office had provided funds to build two new toilet blocks. Unfortunately, although they build the structure they do not provide flushing or hand washing facilities. Pupils normally use buckets filled from the water taps AZAR installed in 2022. By using our own funds, and thanks to a grant from The Drinking Water Association, AZAR was able to commission the installation of sanitation, plumbing and hand washing basins for the first completed block. During our visit in 2023 we were able to see that these are fully operational and that the 2nd block promised had nearly been completed.