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Chikowa Primary School

Having consulted the local education office and the staff at Chikowa primary school, AZAR UK established that the main priorities for support were a water supply for drinking and sanitation plus more classrooms.


In April 2019 AZAR UK commissioned drilling a borehole within the school grounds. We were successful and found water. A pump was fitted and the water supply was deemed to be fit for drinking. We were delighted. However, our joy was short-lived as unfortunately, in November that year the cable broke and the pump was lost down the hole. This was extremely disappointing as it meant we would have to start the whole process over again which would cost more money after a significant investment.

Then a local water expert suggested an alternative option. 1.5 Kilometres from the school there was another borehole with a solar pump which was providing ample water. The village owners agreed they would be happy for us to run a pipe from there to serve the school as well as the village.

So AZAR commissioned the laying of a pipe and the installation of a 5,000 litre water tank within the school grounds. This was significantly delayed because of the Covid pandemic, however, water was back up and running by December 2022.

In 2021 we learned that the local Education Office had provided funds to build two new toilet blocks. Unfortunately, they build the structure but do not provide flushing or hand washing facilities. Pupils normally use buckets filled from the water taps AZAR installed in 2022. By using our own funds, and thanks to a grant from The Drinking Water Association, AZAR was able to commission the installation of sanitation plumbing and hand washing basins for the first completed block. During our visit in 2023 we were able to see that these are fully operational and that the 2nd block promised had nearly been completed. We hope to provide the same water facilities for this new block in the very near future.